Clyde Companies’ Human Resources Department recently took time out of their busy schedule to provide service at the Provo Food Bank.
“As a new employee of Clyde Companies, it is great to be a part of a company that stands behind their mission to build a better community,” said Michelle Hill, Director of Benefit & Retirement. “It was rewarding to spend the morning with our team volunteering at the local food bank.”
Following a review of an annual engagement survey, department leadership noted an opportunity to increase camaraderie by implementing more team building activities, including this service project.
“This opportunity really made me think how blessed I am,” said Taylor Frossard, Human Resources Specialist. “I’m able to go to the store and purchase whatever kind of shampoo I want. I’m grateful that there’s a place that helps out those who need it.”
Team members worked to stock shelves that were then made available to community members. The department also spent time filling bags with smaller quantities of cups, napkins, and plastic silverware.
“As part of an organization that seeks to build a better community, it is always good to remember all the individuals that make up a community,” said Riley Van den Akker, Talent Development Manager. “It is individuals, families, and friends at its most basic level. Every life truly does matter. Seeing all the volunteers that made the place operate really was a great reminder that a community exists to make life better for all.
Riley continued, “Going through donated goods that would be discarded by most seemed pointless, but when I saw the smiles of faces of people that would use them, I remembered we are in the people business no matter what we do.”
Even as Clyde Companies continues to grow and evolve, its values remain constant, including “We Value People.” Creating opportunities to perform service for other community members helps Clyde Companies demonstrate its commitment to Building a Better Community.